Danilo Turk
Danilo Turk

Danilo Türk's Foundation Let them Dream is leading the humanitarian project "REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN, WAR VICTIMS FROM GAZA".

Donation to missionary Pedro Opeka

The Foundation handed over the donation of € 5,000 to the missionary Pedro Opeka, who has been working in Madagascar for many years.


Crisis centres for children and youth

Crisis centres represent a safe refuge for children who have been exposed to various forms of violence within their immediate family. There are many forms of child abuse, and many of the cases are examples of exceptionally cruel mental and physical abuse.

The rehabilitation of child victims of the war in Gaza

Former President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Türk visited Ramallah in January 2009. During his talks with President Mahmud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad special attention was dedicated to the humanitarian needs in Gaza where, among others, hundreds of children were injured in the armed conflict that winter. Although the physical and the medical rehabilitation system is developing in Palestine, injured persons, especially children, are still unable to benefit from proper treatment and the use of medical devices.